30 September, 2009

Just Grandma!

This grandma is going to be consumed with her grandmotherly duties, she is going to immerse herself in bootees, baby blankets, bonnets, jumpsuits, rattles, doctor check ups and so much more. My first gorgeous grandbaby has just turned five and she will be off to school next year and number two will be arriving early November and number three ( my daughters first) will be arriving in April so there is much to be done. We have a three to four hour road trip to each one of our children's places which is not going to stop this grandma. I've told my daughter that I will be there for her any day or any time and seeing she cannot drive at the moment due to the two fits she had last year I will be around for her when her doctors appointments are getting closer apart and even when she is getting close to the birth.

Grandmother's Talent

A grandmother has a special talent-

She always knows just what to do

To make her grandchildren happy

And to show them that she loves them, too

At family get-togethers

she's the first person to look for,

She can entertain small children for hours

And they always keep asking for more.

You can always tell when a grandmother's teasing

By the twinkling that shines in her eyes-

She an expert at settling problems,

For she's loving, patient and wise.

Her grandchildren always admire her,

Even when they are grown-

They always feel proud and happy

To claim Grandma as their own!

~By Mary Dawson Hughes~


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Your grandchildren are so very blessed to have you. My parents live in North Carolina, about a 2 day drive away, but they won't come visit us, nor will they consider living any closer to us. We have seen them less than 3 times in the past 3 years. My children have had to grow up without much time to spend with their grandparents. My husband's parents are both gone, so mine are all my children have.And my children are all the grandkids that my parents have, too. I'm an 'only-child'.
I so hope your children know how truly lucky they are to have you in their lives. What a beautiful, generous, loving person you are.


white_lilly said...

Thank you Lisa you give such caring and encouraging replys:)
Our lives are changing all the time and there are many things to look forward to and one day you will be a grandma as well and I pray that you too will be greatly blessd :)


Anonymous said...

You are a very young grandmother! Grandmothers have many unique talents, and your children are very lucky to have a mom who's not going to be stopped by long road trips in order to be with them and with her grandchildren! Happy grandmothering!

Grammy said...

Congratulations! Grand kids are so amazing. It sounds like you are going to be one of the best ones. Have fun.

white_lilly said...

Thank you ladies for your kind words, life is full of blessings and being a grandma is going to be one of them :)

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Thank you my friend. I do hope it's a very long time from now, though. hehe!


Farewell "Buddy Surprise"

Farewell "Buddy Surprise"