06 November, 2008

Spring Planting

Lincoln Rose

I've been out in the garden nearly everyday when I can find the time, just pottering and planting, weeding as much as I can and just general tidying and maintance of the garden. I noticed the slugs have been into the cauliflowers , and some of the beans have not grown so I assume something has eaten them. The rose above is a Lincoln Rose and it is absolutely beautiful when it flowers and smells gorgiousl. I took cuttings last year and they are coming along nicely and I have just planted them in the front garden.
My spinach as done really well and kept producing through winter very nicely but has just started to go to seed so I've just planted new seedlings. I've done quiet a few things with the spinach as well give some to family and friends. I love spinach fried gently with olive oil a little garlic and then throw in some sesame seeds, pine nuts or a mixture of seeds and nuts yummy!
I planted about eight of the these spinach plants so they will keep us in supply for a while.

These are my capsicum and Roma tomatoes seedlings I just need to add some mulch around to keep away weeds and to help with watering. I usually get a lot of self seeded tomatoes popping up around the beds, they are usually red and yellow cherry tomatoes so I plan to relocate these when they do.
These are my cucumbers I planted, I just have to put up the trellis for them to climb on I'm hoping to make my bread and butter pickles again this year, I've planted heaps this year because the last lot were eaten so quickly, by family and friends not the bugs!!

My Zucchinis were great last year, they just kept producing and producing. I did freeze some but were not a great hit with the family so I will just keep to making pickles, breads, muffins and cakes with them. I also planted a couple of yellow squash and some more lettuce.These are my pumpkins waiting patiently to be planted. I have the right area for them but just need the time to plant them out. I'm so slack I even have corn that need to be planted now and I plan to put in another bed of corn in six weeks time, a neighbor told me that the day after Christmas is the best time out here to plant corn for a bumper crop so heres hoping :)

1 comment:

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

It's so funny for me to read that Christmas time is a great time to plant a garden. lol! Over on the other side of the ocean, we'll be expecting temps in the 20's with snow! lol!

Your garden looks amazing. That spinach! Yum. My favorite way to eat is with crumbled bacon, slices of hard boiled egg, sunflower seeds, and honey/mustard dressing.
With some crusty bread, I'm happy!

That Lincoln Rose is exquisite!!


Farewell "Buddy Surprise"

Farewell "Buddy Surprise"