06 March, 2009

Winter is coming

It has been great reading that the other bloggers from the other side of the world who have been experiencing snow and rain are now getting ready for spring. The excitement of ordering seeds and preparing the garden as been like an epidemic but for me on the other side of their world I have been feeling the chill of the cooler weather moving in and the thought of digging out my winter PJ's (pyjamas) and my scarfs and long johns. Last night I had to put the electric blanket on to take the chill out of the cotton sheets and I even had a hot milk chocolate as well. I think it was about 4 degrees this morning and the car was slightly frosted. I suppose it won't be long and I will be curled up on the lounge in front of the fire and making nice belly warming stews and eating my peach and blackberry pies :)

Note: I have now fixed up the link to my new blog so I apologise to those who tried to check it out and failed.


Anonymous said...

We have been having cool nights too with lovely bright, sunny days. I'm ready for autumn and winter.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Yes, it is so strange to think about the difference in our seasons, isn't it? Makes me want to visit you in our winter, so I can escape the cold. :)


Farewell "Buddy Surprise"

Farewell "Buddy Surprise"