My lovely friend Lisa at Laughing Orca Range has graciously given me an award and I would like to pass this award onto great blogs that I love to read and encourgage you to go and check them out

Another gracious award given to me was from Ernie from The Empty Nester
She has overcome difficult times in her life and is full of encouragement and inspiration to others. She has gain may friendships through this blogging world, people that have shared words of affection and encouragdment to her and she has passed this love and generosity onto others.
I would like to pass this award onto those who come through this blog the ones that leave comments and to the ones that don't and to encourage you to speak up and to tell the people that are in your life how much you appreciate them and that you value their friendship and encourage them with words of love and respect.
you are very sweet! thanks so much! I am enjoying the music here. have a great day!
Awwww - thank you! I had a crummy day yesterday - didn't even sit down at the computer. So this evening I switched it on and found.... this! Thank you so much!
I will pick it up and pass it on. I also enjoy your blog and love the music.
hehe! I didn't know you had already gotten the Earth Angel award, but it makes complete sense that I would choose you to give it to again. You touch all the lives you come into contact with in very special ways. You are a true angel on earth, my friend :)
Thank you! Come see my latest blog post :)
Congratulations on your award.
What I'd really like to know is are you safe and sound? I'm hoping that you were able to cope with the heat of this weekend and that you are safe from fires.
While we have been getting 43 degree heat here, I am guessing you've been hotter than that. There are no fires anywhere near us.
Hi Ang an Wendy thanks for dropping by and glad you like the music
Thank you Lisa youre a sweetie :)
Thank you Cheryl we have been untouched by the fires here thank goodness, the conditions have been suitable for a fire with the hot winds and dry grounds and the fireys have been on high alert.Our temperatures have been high in the 40's and yesterday was 45 at home, I'm glad there is relief with low temps this week and the possiblity of rain which we are all hanging out for because we are nearly out of water :(
Keep cool and take care!
Thank you for honoring me with your words. You are so sweet.
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