30 November, 2010


Yes, I am still around, not for very long but I do return when I am able. Life in general has been very busy and I don't have the time or enough space to update you on what has been happening in my life. All I can say is that at times it is crazy and I need some time out space. Reflecting on yesterday all I can say as a Christian is that when Jesus calls you to step in on his behalf and do what he wants you to do, stay calm and trust him. I have a few minutes so I will share a little on yesterday as I was travelling to work (54kms to town) I called into the tip to off load some rubbish as we do not have garbage pick up where I live. While at the tip a young lady (about 30) and her father (about 70) were emptying there bins off the back of their ute and while they were doing this the father slipped off the back of the truck and hit his head on one of the large bins and was laying in a really awkward position. The daughter was screaming and trying to arouse her father, as I ran around our cars to him he had a fixated stare in his eyes (at first I thought he was not alive) and he was bleeding from the back of his head. The daughter had lost it, she was in a panicked state, I ran to my car and emptied my bag contents on the back of my truck looking for my phone and ran to the road way hoping to get phone reception and to ring 000. Thankfully I had one bar on my battery so I called for an ambulance. The gentleman came to as he was unconscious and now disorientated and he couldn't remember that his daughter beside him got married yesterday. To cut the story short the ambulance arrived and he was taken to hospital where he spent the day getting check over and was sent home. During this horrible time as I watched over this gentleman making sure I didn't need to resuscitate him I comforted his daughter, she thanked me so many times for being there for her and keeping calm,as she knew she would not have copied or been able to help her father if the situation turned for the worst. What I would like to say is that there will be times in our lives when we are called to be the strong, calm person in a situation, even though we feel we are out of our depth and comfort those around us that are leaning on us for help.

Well, Christmas is around the corner and I have done nothing to prepare for it!
Take Care

Farewell "Buddy Surprise"

Farewell "Buddy Surprise"